In the time it takes me to finish the sentence 30 human beings awoke in eternity because they died on earth it took me ten seconds to say that and in that time since I said it till just now thirty individuals have awakened and I would presume a great majority of them finding themselves suspended in black every hour. One hundred and fifty-five thousand one hundred and thirty-one per day, 56 million a year, and a hundred and eight since I started this sentence a minute ago. I believe that we must pause and reflect on the destination of all those travelers from Earth because Jesus did and I'm going to show you 42 times just in Matthew. 42 times in 28 chapters Jesus talks about this he preached about how at the height of his popularity and if you look at Matthew you find Jesus gives the most complete warning in all of God's Word about the eternal horrors of hell. 030313 For more of Dr. John Barnett's content go to